Cash Management Optimisation

  • Description:

    From this workshop, participants will gain an understanding of:

    • The commercial importance of good treasury practice and in particular the criticality of optimising cash management disciplines – Liquidity Management, Transactions and Channels.
    • The key sub-products within these critical areas of Liquidity Management, Transactions and Channels.
    • How the on-going digital transformation of banking is impacting Liquidity Management, Transactions and Channels.
    • How new digital products can be utilised and deployed.

    From this workshop, participants will gain an understanding of:

    • The commercial importance of good treasury practice and in particular the criticality of optimising cash management disciplines – Liquidity Management, Transactions and Channels.
    • The key sub-products within these critical areas of Liquidity Management, Transactions and Channels.
    • How the on-going digital transformation of banking is impacting Liquidity Management, Transactions and Channels.
    • How new digital products can be utilised and deployed.
  • Objectives:


  • Audience:

    Bankers who hold or have held either a specific role within a cash management function, or alternatively, may hold or have held any a mid to senior managerial role in a related part of the business.

  • Prior Knowledge:

    None assumed.